
发布时间:2024-07-03 发布人:中拓 发布来源:/


  Working principle of biogas generator set


  A biogas generator set is a mechanical product that relies on biogas for power generation. Next, let's briefly introduce its working principle.1f7b2c8f9c4b81e1c99df0a7dc8939e

  它是利用工业、农业或城镇生活中的大量有机废弃物(例如酒糟液、禽畜粪、城市垃圾和污水等),经厌氧发酵处理产生的沼气,驱动沼气发电机组发电,并可充分将发电机组的余热用于沼气生产。 沼气发电技术本身提供的是清洁能源,不仅了沼气工程中的环境问题、消耗了大量废弃物、保护了环境、减少了温室气体的排放,而且变废为宝,产生了大量的热能和电能。

  It utilizes a large amount of organic waste from industry, agriculture, or urban life (such as distiller's grains, livestock manure, urban garbage, and sewage), and produces biogas through anaerobic fermentation to drive the biogas generator set to generate electricity, and can fully utilize the waste heat of the generator set for biogas production. The biogas power generation technology itself provides clean energy, which not only solves environmental problems in biogas engineering, consumes a large amount of waste, protects the environment, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also turns waste into treasure, generating a large amount of heat and electricity.

  就是要先从沼气讲起,沼气是部分有机物经过封闭式的厌氧发酵,发酵后就会含有部分沼气,然后经过收集。现在大部分都是生活垃圾或者污水COD含量高的企业沼气量比较充足。然后在开始说沼气的成分,沼气中的成分非常混杂,其中甲烷的含量是比较高的。而且甲烷是一种可燃性气体,热值也比较高。 收集后的沼气通过发电机组的发动机进行燃烧做工,就是内燃机形式,由做工后的扭矩带动发电机的转子绕组进行做工,完成发电流程。

  We need to start with biogas, which is a closed anaerobic fermentation of some organic matter. After fermentation, it will contain some biogas, which is then collected. Nowadays, most enterprises with high COD content in household waste or sewage have sufficient biogas production. Then, when it comes to the composition of biogas, the components are very mixed, with methane content being relatively high. Moreover, methane is a combustible gas with a relatively high calorific value. The collected biogas is burned through the engine of the generator set, which is in the form of an internal combustion engine. The torque after the work drives the rotor winding of the generator to complete the power generation process.

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